Follow these instructions to add another person to help manage your Google business profile.
Computer Instructions
If you are using a cellphone, scroll down to the bottom for cellphone instructions
Step 1: Visit the following link and log into your Google Business Profile account
Step 2: Click "See your profile"

Step 3: Click on the three dots and select "Business Profile settings"

Step 4: Click on "People and Access"

Step 5: Click "Add"

Step 6: Type in the person's email address and select Manager
(Important) Do not select Owner unless you intend on transferring ownership of the Google Business Profile to that person.
The person you have invited should receive an invitation email to start managing your profile. It is best to contact them as soon as possible to confirm they have received this invitation.

Cellphone Instructions
Step 1: Install and open the Google Maps app on your cellphone

Step 2: Make sure you are signed into the account you use to manage your Google Business Profile.
Step 3: At the bottom right corner of the app, tap on the "Business" button, then select "See Business Profile" at the top.

Step 4: Click on the three dots at the top right and select "Business Profile settings"

Step 5: Tap on "Managers"

Step 5: Tap on "Add" and type in the email address of the person you'd like to add as a manager for your business profile.
(Important) Do not select Owner unless you intend on transferring ownership of the Google Business Profile to that person.